19 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Kompres Hangat dan Nafas dalam terhadap Nyeri Perut Pasien Typus Abdominalis di RSUD Dr. R Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga

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    Abdominalis Typhus is a disease that attacks the gastrointestinal tract in the small intestine. This disease is occupying sequence of number one for three consecutive in RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. This objective of this research is to determine the effectivity of warm compresses and deep breath towards patient’s abdominal pain of abdominalis typhus in RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. Type of study is a quasi experimental design with pretest posttest with control group design. Sampling using the purposive sampling techniques. Sample as many as 76 respondent, that 38 responden were given a warm compresses treatment and 38 other respondents as control group were given a deep breath. Data analysis is done by using univariate analysis and independent t-test. The result of this research there is a significant decrease in pain level after warm compresses amounted to 2.053. While those given a deep breath has decrease amounted to 0.921. Independent t test results indicate a warm  compresses are more effective in decreasing the level of pain in patient’s abdominalis typhus compared with a deep breath in the p value 0,001. 

    Analisis Faktor Lingkungan Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kecemasan Pelayanan Kesehatan Anak Di Puskesmas Pubalingga

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    Background: Sick children should be taken to the health services of the Primary Level Service Unit at the Puskesmas (UPTD) first, with their families is a stressful experience, both for children and parents. Some scientific evidence shows that the health center environment itself is a major cause of stress for children and parents, both physical environments such as buildings or nursing rooms, equipment, distinctive odors, white clothes for health workers and the social environment, such as fellow child patients, or interactions and health workers themselves Scientific research illustrates that the health center environment causes major stress for both children and their parents, including the physical environment, and the social environment such as interactions between patients between children, and even the attitudes reflected by doctors and nurses.Metode: To see the factors that affect the error rate in children who seek treatment at Purbalingga Health Center.This research is a research that carries out a cross-sectional design, purposive sampling method, and chi square statistical analysis.Result: Based on the results of the study, 7 patients (30,458%) who underwent short and medium-term treatment experienced normal loss. Most of the respondents in the age range of 4-8 years and 9-11 years were in the medium anxiety category as many as 18 respondents (69.55%). Children aged 4-8 years who have just entered school and lack of interaction with the surrounding environment will experience anxiety more often, in fact there are 4 respondents (8.70%) of whom experience severe anxiety compared to those above.It shows that the proportion of anxiety in the sexes of men and women is almost the same. Two male respondents (4.80%) were in the mild anxiety category, 7 respondents (31.68%) were in the moderate category and 3 respondents (4.35%) were in the heavy category. Likewise, 3 respondents (8.70%) were in the mild anxiety category, 10 respondents (40.12%) were in the moderate category, and 5 respondents (10.35%) were in the severe anxiety category. Shows environmental factors, 13 respondents (52.17%) who enter into moderate anxiety and feel familiar with the environment and 8 respondents (26.09%) feel unfamiliar with the environmental conditions of all 18 respondents (65.22%), feel the environment that is felt familiar.Conclusion: length of treatment, the activities constraint, and separated, it means that there is influence toward apprehensive level in children getting puskesma


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    Prioritas masalah kesehatan masa Pandemi COVID-19 dan menjadi nomor satu di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus sebanyak 34.316 kasus sejak 11 Juni 2020 dan Jawa tengah jumlah kasus sebanyak 81716, meninggal 3562, sembuh 54409. Oleh karena itu pemerintah memberlakukan pendekatan-pendekatan kesehatan masyarakat untuk mencegah penularan virus tersebut seperti anjuran untuk tetap di rumah, menjaga jarak, dan menggunakan masker jika terpaksa berpergian. Akibatnya, tempat-tempat umum seperti pasar, sekolah, kantor, dan masjid pun ditutup.Pemberdayaan masyarakat juga merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang bisa dilakukan karena bertujuan untuk mencegah penularan virus COVID-19 dengan memandirikan masyarakat untuk menyebarkan informasi terkait pencegahan COVID-19 agar tidak terjadi peningkatan kasus di daerahnya yang dalam hal ini terletak di Desa Pliken. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dilakukan dalam empat tahapan yaitu analisis masalah dan prioritas masalah; perencanaan dan persiapan; pelaksanaan program; dan evaluasi program. Sasaran program adalah kader kesehatan dan pengrajin tempe karena sangat aktif dan mampu melakukan komunikasi kemasyarakatan untuk menyebarkan informasi terkait COVID-19. Penyebaran informasi menerapkan protokol pencegahan dengan demonstrasi serta imitasi merupakan metode yang efektif karena mampu mencakup masyarakat yang luas pula.Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian masyarakat adalah upaya menekan Covid 19 pada pengrajin tempe dengan penyuluhan tentang deteksi dini keluhan yang bisa menandakan seseorang terinfeksi virus corona di RW IV Desa Pliken .Khalayak sasaran adalah Kader kesehatan, pengrajin tempe, tokoh masyarakat, dan mahasiswa.Adapun kegiatan yang akan dilakukan adalah penyuluhan tentang pengertian, tanda dan gejala covid 19, secara daring, dilanjutkan dengan pemberian masker dan bahan makanan berupa sembako. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan kader kesehatan dan pengrajin tempe sehingga dapat mengantisipasi dan menekan kejadian Covid 19.Kata Kunci : pemberdayaan kader kesehatan, pengrajin tempe, covid-19

    Pengaruh Reminiscence Therapy Terhadap Fungsi Kognitif Pada Lansia

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    Aging process (aging process) is a natural process characterized by a decreasing or changing in physical, psychological and social conditions when elderly people is  interacting with others. Aging process can decrease cognitive people and develop dementia, declining cognitive and memory. Reminiscence therapy is one technique to recall people memory and remind something in the pastThe purpose of this study is to know the effect of reminiscence therapy with group therapy method towards cognitive function of elderly peopleThis method of this study is   quasy experimental with pre-posttest design. The population in this study is elderly in Panti Werda Catur Nugroho Banyumas . Respondents were selected by Simple random sampling. The number of respondent was. Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) was used to measure cognitive function of the elderly people before and after being given reminiscence therapy. Statistical analysis in this study was using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test and Mann Whitney-U Test.The results showed that there was a significant effect of increasing cognitive function by applying reminiscence therapy on elderly people with p = 0,000 (α = 0,005) and the mean value of elderly cognitive function in the treatment group increased by 4,416.The conclusion in this research is reminiscence therapy with group therapy method (TAK) is one of therapy modality that can improve cognitive function in elderly.

    Nursing Students’ Knowledge on Breast Cancer

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and is one of the main causes of cancer death in women throughout the world. Around 9-8% of women have the potential to experience breast cancer. It is estimated that there are 100 new sufferers per 100,000 population every year in Indonesia. The prevalence of cancer in Indonesia is 1.4 per 1000 population and increases with age. Breast cancer contributes 30% and is the most common type of cancer in Indonesia.Methods: The research method employed was quasi-experimental with a pre-posttest without control group design. Total sampling was used to collect samples. The data was evaluated using the paired t test.Results: The study showed significant differences in nursing students' knowledge of breast cancer before and after they received the self-paced module (p value 0.000).Conclusion: The self-paced module can help students learn more about breast cancer. There is need for various approaches of educating nursing students about breast cancer as well as the students' ease of access to resources for breast cancer information

    Pengaruh Senam Lansia Terhadap Penurunan Skala Insomnia Ada Lansia Di Panti Wredha Dewanata Cilacap

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    Insomnia is one of sleep disturbance that is usually happened to elderly. Insomnia relates closely with sleep quality decreasing so that it makes sleep does not have quality. Physical exercise is authentically repair sleep quality of elderly. One of physical exercise kind that can be done by elderly is elderly fit gymnastics. The objective of this research was to know the influence of elderly fit gymnastics towards insomnia scale decreasing at Dewanata Elderly Orphanage of Cilacap. Quasi experiment of research sort with pretest-posttest without control group approach. The population of this research was all elderly clients at Dewanata Elderly Orphanage of Cilacap with number of 90 peoples. The technique of taking sample in this research used total sampling. The number of sample in this research was 16 respondents. Insomnia scale measuring used Pittsburg Insomnia Rating Scale. Data analysis used frequency distribution and paired t-test. The number of respondents were mostly at the age of 60 to 74 years old (elderly) were 13 respondents (81,25%). Most of them were male with number of 9 respondents (56,25%). The result of statistic experiment was got p value = 0,000 less than ? = 0,05. There was significant difference in a statistic manner between before and after doing gymnastics. So that, there was influence of elderly fit gymnastics towards insomnia scale decreasing at Dewanata Elderly Orphanage of Cilacap

    Perbedaan Efektifitas Metode Terapi Akupresur Dan Hipnoterapi Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pada Lanjut Usia Di Panti Wredha Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Currently, prevalence of elderly people becomes high due to increasing life expectancy. One of the common problems of elderly people who live in nursing home is sleep disturbance. To deal with this problem, some alternative therapies for instance acupressure and hypnotherapy have indication to increase sleep quality of elderly people. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of acupressure and hypnotherapy towards sleep quality of elderly people at nursing home inBanyumas. This study was quasi experimental with nonequivalent control group pre dan post test design.The number of respondent was 40 and randomly assigned to either hypnotherapy group (n=20) or acupressure groups.(n=20). Their sleep quality was measured according to the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Sleep quality was measured to both groups before treatment was performed. During three week after, hypnotherapy and acupressure ware treated to both hypnotherapy group and acupressure group respectively. In the last section, sleep quality was measured after treatments to both groups were finished. To analyze data, researcher occupied paired and independent t test to answer the research aims. However, normality of data were analysed previously before t test was performed by Kolmogorov Smirnov testThe results indicated significant differences in total PSQI scores before and after treatment for both hypnotherapy and acupressure group with p= 0.002 and 0,000 respectively. Furthermore, there is more effective of acupressure than hypnotherapy treatment in reducing PSQI score (increasing sleep quality) of elderly people with p = 0.000. Alternative therapies such as acupressure have positive impact in increasing sleep quality of elderly people in nursing home

    Effect of Media Audio Visual Aid (Video Cassette) Use In Health Promotion on Older People's Level of Knowledge Related to Good Hygiene and Healthy Lifestyle

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    Being older is the growth process; healthy ageing requires health promoting behaviors,especially having good hygiene and healthy lifestyle. An audio-visual media aid with video cassette is one of the media in health promotion that can be used to provide knowledge to the older people. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of media AVA (video Cassette) use in health promotion to the level of knowledge related to good hygiene and healthy lifestyle. This study was a quasiexperimentalresearch with a pre-test and post test with control group design. The design was chosen to measure the difference between before and after the intervention using a control group. The intervention group received health education with AVA media to increase knowledge of good hygiene and healthy lifestyle, whereas the control group received usual health education. A total of 25 older people participated in this study. The results of study showed that after receiving health education with AVAmedia, the intervention group had a significant higher level of knowledge related to good hygiene and healthy lifestyle than the control group (p=0.03). In addition, the level of knowledge related to good hygiene and healthy lifestyle of the intervention group after receiving health education with AVA media also significant higher than that before intervention (p=0.000). Therefore, AVA media can be used as media of health education for the older people to improve knowledge about the clean and healthy lifestyle in the community


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    Latar Belakang: Keluarga mempunyai peran penting dalam mendukung perawatan penderita gangguan jiwa di masyarakat. Mereka perlu diberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang cukup dalam mendampingi anggota keluarganya yang menderita gangguan jiwa tanpa menggunakan pasung. Masalah pasung perlu untuk dihindari karena kurang manusiawi dan sangat menurunkan kemampuan fisik dan psikologis penderitanya. Manfaat kegiatan ini diharapkan penderita gangguan jiwa yang telah kembali ke tengah-tengah keluarga dan masyarakat tidak mendapatkan lagi tindakan pemasungan.Metode: Metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melalui pemberdayaan keluarga dengan memberikan pelatihan kepada keluarga tentang cara merawat penderita gangguan jiwa melalui pendekatan yang humanis yaitu cara komunikasi dan terapeutik sehingga penderita merasa nyaman. Sebanyak 22 keluarga dengan anggota gangguan jiwa telah dilibatkan dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan ini dan dilakukan pengukuran pre dan post-test untuk mengetahui perubahan kemampuan mereka dalam merawat anggotanya.Hasil: Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan keluarga merawat anggotanya berdasarkan hasil pengukuran dengan kuesioner yang telah dibagikan kepada peserta pelatihan. Oleh karena itu keluarga di masyarakat perlu diberikan pendampingan dan pelatihan oleh perawat jiwa komunitas yang bekerja di Puskesmas untuk membantu meningkatkan derajat kesehatan jiwa anggota keluarganya.Simpulan: Pelatihan dan pemberdayaan dapat meningkatan kemampuan keluarga dalam merawat penderita gangguan jiwa.Keyword : keluarga, pelatihan, merawat, tanpa pasung, komunita